domingo, 22 de septiembre de 2019


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Hellow, today I will to talk about the city that I want to visit, the city that makes me curious to visit it is London, this city is the capital of England which is located in the southern and central part of Britain, I would like to visit this city because this city has a lot history in this architecture because it is one of the main countries that participated in the first and second world war, what I know about this city is that this is where the first metro line was made and also it is one of the cities with more parks and gardens in the world, also in this city there are different attractions such as London eye, big ben, palace Buckingham, etc. What I would like to do there is to explore the main attractions that this city has and enjoy it is wonderful architecture, I would like to live there in London because it is a city of job opportunities as in education and you are also at the avant-garde of research and that is incredible because in the future I would like to work in research.

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